Clases Particulares

Aprende matemáticas y física desde casa con nuestros expertos en educación virtual para todos los niveles.

A teacher is standing at a chalkboard, writing equations and diagrams. The board contains various mathematical notations and illustrations related to physics. A student appears to be observing attentively while taking notes.
A teacher is standing at a chalkboard, writing equations and diagrams. The board contains various mathematical notations and illustrations related to physics. A student appears to be observing attentively while taking notes.

¡Calificaciones Altas Garantizadas!


Mateprofe: Tutoría Académica

En Mateprofe, ofrecemos tutoría académica de matemáticas y física junto a un profesor particular para estudiantes de primaria, secundaria y bachillerato. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a nuestros alumnos a superar exámenes y mejorar su comprensión.

A person stands facing a chalkboard filled with mathematical equations, in a dimly lit classroom. Overhead, a fluorescent light illuminates the room, casting soft shadows. The person appears to be writing on the board, dressed casually in pants and a long-sleeved shirt.
A person stands facing a chalkboard filled with mathematical equations, in a dimly lit classroom. Overhead, a fluorescent light illuminates the room, casting soft shadows. The person appears to be writing on the board, dressed casually in pants and a long-sleeved shirt.



Más de 100 alumnos

Resultados garantizados

Profesor particular

Ofrecemos clases de matemáticas y física para todos los niveles educativos, desde primaria hasta bachillerato.

A classroom setting with a group of students seated and facing a large chalkboard filled with mathematical equations and diagrams. A teacher stands at the front, engaging with the students. The room has a warm lighting atmosphere with track lights on the ceiling, and various personal items like water bottles are visible on the desks.
A classroom setting with a group of students seated and facing a large chalkboard filled with mathematical equations and diagrams. A teacher stands at the front, engaging with the students. The room has a warm lighting atmosphere with track lights on the ceiling, and various personal items like water bottles are visible on the desks.
Matemáticas para Todos

Ayudamos a estudiantes a entender conceptos y prepararse para exámenes de matemáticas.

Física Simplificada

Clases diseñadas para facilitar el aprendizaje de la física en todos los niveles educativos.

Tutoría académica

Brindamos repaso y estudio personalizado para mejorar el rendimiento académico de nuestros estudiantes.

Las clases de Mateprofe me ayudaron a entender matemáticas y física de manera efectiva y divertida.

Sofia Aburto

A person stands in front of a whiteboard writing mathematical equations. The silhouette is visible against the softly illuminated board filled with handwritten mathematical expressions.
A person stands in front of a whiteboard writing mathematical equations. The silhouette is visible against the softly illuminated board filled with handwritten mathematical expressions.
A wooden bookshelf filled with various textbooks and educational materials. Labels for 'Physics' and 'Mathematics' are seen on the shelves, indicating the subjects of the books. Some books are neatly arranged while others are leaning or stacked at angles. On top of the shelf is an open and slightly worn cardboard box.
A wooden bookshelf filled with various textbooks and educational materials. Labels for 'Physics' and 'Mathematics' are seen on the shelves, indicating the subjects of the books. Some books are neatly arranged while others are leaning or stacked at angles. On top of the shelf is an open and slightly worn cardboard box.


man and woman sitting on chairs
man and woman sitting on chairs
assorted books on wooden table
assorted books on wooden table
a person holding a remote control in front of a computer
a person holding a remote control in front of a computer
Precios Primaria

Consulta los precios para el grado de primaria aquí.

Precios Secundaria

Consulta los precios para el grado de secundaria aquí.

Precios Bachillerato

Consulta los precios para el grado de bachillerato aquí.


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Tu profesor te guiará a lo largo de tu primera clase y te ayudará a planificar los siguientes pasos.

Elige cuántas clases quieres tomar cada semana y ¡prepárate para alcanzar tus objetivos!

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